Amiga Format CD 7
Amiga Format AFCD07 (Dec 1996, Issue 91).iso
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Text File
608 lines
* This file is part of ixemul.library for the Amiga.
* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Markus M. Wild
* Portions Copyright (C) 1994 Rafael W. Luebbert
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* $Id: trap.s,v 1.1 1994/06/19 15:17:35 rluebbert Exp $
* $Log: trap.s,v $
* Revision 1.1 1994/06/19 15:17:35 rluebbert
* Initial revision
.globl _trap_00
.globl _restore_00
.globl _sup00_do_sigresume
.globl _sup00_do_sigreturn
.globl _sup00_do_sigreturn_ssp
.globl _trap_20
.globl _restore_20
.globl _sup20_do_sigresume
.globl _sup20_do_sigreturn
.globl _sup20_do_sigreturn_ssp
.globl _supervisor
.globl _do_sigreturn
.globl _launch_glue
.globl _addupc
.globl _resetfpu
.globl _install_vector
.globl _restore_vector
.globl _vector_install_count
.globl _vector_old_pc
.globl _vector_nop
#undef DEBUG
| This is the trap processing function for the mc68000.
| Things are quite easy here, just save the general purpose registers
| and the pc/sr combo, call trap(), then restore the previous
| context and return
movel a5,sp@- | need a scratch register
movel usp,a5 | get usp
movel a5,a5@(-10) | store usp
lea a5@(-10),a5 | make room for sr, pc and usp.
moveml d0-d7/a0-a6,a5@-| store registers on usp
movel sp@+,a5@(0x34) | insert the saved a5 into the saveset
movel sp@+,d1 | remember trapnumber
movew sp@+,a5@(0x44) | copy SR
movel sp@+,d2 | remember and
movel d2,a5@(0x40) | copy (offending?) PC
movel a5,a3 | save pointer to registers
movel #0,a5@- | pass NULL pointer to stored fpu registers
movel a3,a5@- | pass pointer to stored registers
movel d2,a5@- | pass offending PC
addl d1,d1 | convert the passed trap number into a fake
addl d1,d1 | 68020 frame format word
movel d1,a5@- | pass frame format word
| pass return address and ssp-value on userstack
| This happens for the same reason as we have a glue_launch entry.
| trap cleans up these 8 bytes on the user stack itself
movel sp,a5@-
movel #_restore_00,a5@-
movel a5,usp | and remember current value of usp (a5)
| fine, now process this trap. This might (doesn't have to) push
| additional frames. If not, we just return where the exception
| took place (and probably will again...)
jsr _trap | to the higher level C trap processor
movel usp,a5 | get usp
lea a5@(16),a5 | skip trap argument
movel a5@(0x3c),a1 | get stored usp
movel a1,usp
| set up the original supervisor stack frame
movel a5@(0x40),sp@- | copy PC
movew a5@(0x44),sp@- | and SR
moveml a5@,d0-d7/a0-a6 | and the other registers
| This is the trap processor for the mc68020 and above, paired with
| an fpu (don't *need* an fpu though).
| What is done: start is same as with 68000, but then the complete
| additional exception frame is saved on the usp, together with the
| fpu state. Then trap() is called, and then the previous context
| is restored (involves copying back the frame from the usp over to the ssp)
movel a5,sp@ | nuke the trap number, we use the frame format word
movel usp,a5 | get usp
movel a5,a5@(-10) | store usp
lea a5@(-10),a5 | make room for sr, pc and usp.
moveml d0-d7/a0-a6,a5@-| store registers on usp
movel sp@+,a5@(0x34) | insert the saved a5 into the saveset
movew sp@+,a5@(0x44) | copy SR
movel sp@+,d2 | remember and
movel d2,a5@(0x40) | copy (offending?) PC
movel a5,a3 | save pointer to registers
| find out more about the frame (according to the MC68030 user manual)
clrl d1
movew sp@+,d1 | remember frame format word
movew d1,d0
andw #0xf000,d0
beq Lfmt_S0 | S0
cmpw #0x1000,d0
beq Lfmt_S1 | S1 this (interrupt) frame shouldn't be here...
cmpw #0x2000,d0
beq Lfmt_S2 | CHK{2},cpTRAPcc,TRAPV,Trace,Div0,MMUcfg,cp post instr
cmpw #0x9000,d0
beq Lfmt_S9 | cp mid instr,main det prot viol,int during cp instr
cmpw #0xa000,d0
beq Lfmt_SA_SB | address or bus error, short and long frame
cmpw #0xb000,d0
bne Lfmt_S0 | ??? frame, this will probably not fully cleanup sp..
| this part (upto Lbe10) inspired by locore.s in sys/hp300/ of BSD4.3-reno
movew sp@(2),d0 | grab SSW for fault processing
btst #12,d0 | RB set?
beq LbeX0 | no, test RC
bset #14,d0 | yes, must set FB
movew d0,sp@(2) | for hardware too
btst #13,d0 | RC set?
beq LbeX1 | no, skip
bset #15,d0 | yes, must set FC
movew d0,sp@(2) | for hardware too
btst #8,d0 | data fault?
beq Lbe0 | no, check for hard cases
movel sp@(8),d2 | fault address is as given in frame
bra Lbe10 | thats it
btst #12,d1 | long (type B) stack frame?
bne Lbe4 | yes, go handle
btst #14,d0 | no, can use saved PC. FB set?
beq Lbe3 | no, try FC
addql #4,d2 | yes, adjust address
bra Lbe10 | done
btst #15,d0 | FC set?
beq Lbe10 | no, done
addql #2,d2 | yes, adjust address
bra Lbe10 | done
movel sp@(28),d2 | long format, use stage B address
btst #15,d0 | FC set?
beq Lbe10 | no, all done
subql #2,d2 | yes, adjust address
| now move the frame over to the usp (6/21 longwords remain)
moveml sp@+,d3-d7/a0 | may trash as many registers as I like, I saved
moveml d3-d7/a0,a5@- | them already ;-) First copy 6 longs
btst #12,d1 | long (type B) stack frame?
beq Lfmt_S0 | nope, done
moveml sp@+,d3-d7/a0-a2 | first copy 8 longs
moveml d3-d7/a0-a2,a5@-
moveml sp@+,d3-d7/a0-a1 | plus 7 gives 15, plus already stored 6 is 21
moveml d3-d7/a0-a1,a5@-
bra Lfmt_S0 | finito
movel sp@+,a5@- | S9 is an S2 plus 4 internal (word length) registers
movel sp@+,a5@- | so store those registers, and fall into S2
movel sp@+,d2 | S2 contains the offending instruction address
| and the frame format word
movel d2,a5@- | we have the offending instruction address here
| fall into
movew d1,a5@- | and as the last thing store the frame format word
| now lets look at the fpu, if there is an fpu in the system
movel #0,a4 | clear pointer to fpu registers
movel 4:w,a0
btst #4,a0@(0x129) | is AFB_68881 set in SysBase->AttnFlags ??
beq Lno_fpu
fsave a5@- | dump the fpu state onto the usp
moveb a5@,d0 | and get the fpu state identifier
beq Lno_fpu | null frame?
fmoveml fpcr/fpsr/fpi,a5@- | push the fpu control registers and
fmovemx fp0-fp7,a5@- | the fpu data registers
movel a5,a4 | store pointer to fpu registers
movew #-1,a5@- | mark that there is fpu stuff on the stack
| pass return address and ssp-value on userstack
| This happens for the same reason as we have a glue_launch entry.
| trap cleans up these 8 bytes on the user stack itself
movel a4,a5@- | pass pointer to stored fpu registers
movel a3,a5@- | pass pointer to stored registers
movel d2,a5@- | pass offending PC
movel d1,a5@- | pass frame format word
movel sp,a5@-
movel #_restore_20,a5@-
movel a5,usp | set the new value of the usp
| that's it, phew.. now process this frame, and perhaps throw some
| frames on it as well to deal with the signal
jsr _trap | do distribution in C ;-)
| restore the saved stack frame from the usp, and copy the necessary
| parts over to the ssp
movel usp,a5
lea a5@(16),a5 | skip trap() arguments
| first deal with fpu stuff, if there's an fpu
movel 4:w,a0
btst #4,a0@(0x129) | is AFB_68881 set in SysBase->AttnFlags ??
beq Lno_fpu2
tstb a5@
beq Lrst_fpu_frame | there's only the null frame, go and restore it
lea a5@(2),a5 | skip fpu indicator
fmovemx a5@+,fp0-fp7 | restore fpu data registers and
fmoveml a5@+,fpcr/fpsr/fpi | fpu control registers
frestore a5@+ | and restore the internal fpu state
movew a5@+,d1 | get frame format word
movew d1,d0
andw #0xf000,d0
beq Lrfmt_S0 | S0
cmpw #0x1000,d0
beq Lrfmt_S1 | S1
cmpw #0x2000,d0
beq Lrfmt_S2 | S2
cmpw #0x9000,d0
beq Lrfmt_S9 | S9
cmpw #0xa000,d0
beq Lrfmt_SA | SA
cmpw #0xb000,d0
bne Lrfmt_S0 | ??? frame
moveml a5@+,d3-d7/a0-a2
moveml d3-d7/a0-a2,sp@-
moveml a5@+,d3-d7/a0-a1
moveml d3-d7/a0-a1,sp@- | copy 15 longs
movel a5@+,sp@- | copy 3 longs
movel a5@+,sp@-
movel a5@+,sp@-
movel a5@+,sp@- | copy 2 longs
movel a5@+,sp@-
movel a5@+,sp@- | copy 1 long
movew d1,sp@- | insert frame format word
movel a5@(0x40),sp@- | copy PC
movew a5@(0x44),sp@- | and SR
movel a5@(0x3c),a1 | get the stored usp
movel a1,usp
moveml a5@,d0-d7/a0-a6 | restore the cpu registers
rte | that's it (finally) ..
| jump to the given argument in supervisor mode
| does NOT return
movel sp@(4),a5 | where to go in supervisor
movel sp@(8),sp@- | with this usp
movel a6,sp@-
movel 4:w,a6
jmp a6@(-0x1e) | do it (Supervisor() system call)
| restore signal context
| argument comes in usp
| mc68020 entry
jsr _resume_signal_check
bra _sup20_do_sigreturn
_sup20_do_sigreturn_ssp: | entry via jsr from supervisor mode
movel sp@(4),sp | set ssp
lea sp@(-8),sp | make room for an exception frame
movew #0x20,sp@(6) | fake format word
bra fromsup_sigreturn
| mc68000 entry
jsr _resume_signal_check
bra _sup00_do_sigreturn
movel sp@(4),sp | set ssp
lea sp@(-6),sp | make room for an exception frame
moveml d0/d1/a0/a1,sp@-
movel usp,a0 | get signal context
bra resume_sigreturn
| Supervisor() entry (already comes on exception frame)
| make the sigreturn() function preserve all registers
moveml d0/d1/a0/a1,sp@-
movel usp,a0 | get signal context
movel a0@+,a6 | restore the trashed a6 register
movel a0@,a0
movel 4:w,a1 | SysBase
movel a1,d1 | remember for later setting of sc_ap
movel a1@(0x114),a1 | ThisTask
movel a1@(0x2e),a1 | TrapData -> (struct user *)
| struct user offsets are determined by create_defines
#include "ix_internals.h"
| ok, now a0:sc, a1:u
movel a0@+,a1@(U_ONSTACK_OFFSET) | u.u_onstack = sc->sc_onstack
movel a0@+,a1@(P_SIGMASK_OFFSET) | u.p_sigmask = sc->sc_mask
movel a0@+,a1 | usp = sc->sc_sp
movel a1,usp
movel a0@+,a5 | fp = sc->sc_fp
movel d1,a1 | get back SysBase
movel a1@(0x114),a1 | ThisTask
lea a0@(2),a0 | skip unused part of sc_ap
movew a0@,a1@(0x10) | store IDNestCnt,TDNestCnt
movel d1,a1
movew a0@+,d1 | get IDNestCnt and TDNestCnt
movew d1,a1@(0x126) | store them in SysBase
tstb a1@(0x126)
bmi Lenable
movew #0x4000,0xdff09a | disable interrupts
bra Lint_twiddle
movew #0xc000,0xdff09a | enable interrupts
| set pc and sr in current exception frame
movel a0@+,sp@(2+4*4) | set PC
movew a0@(2),sp@(4*4) | and SR
moveml sp@+,d0/d1/a0/a1
| launch_glue is used to invoke the sig_launch handler. We have to care to
| clean the supervisor stack, if we should call a signal handler from
| the launch handler.
| The bad thing is, that doing this right needs information on how
| the tc_Launch entry is called from the OS. Thus I pass two parameters
| on the user stack, the value of the `virgin' ssp and the value of
| a4, which happens to contain the address of the context restore
| function.
| It is assumed, that tc_Launch is called via
| ... jsr sub
| ...
| sub:jsr tc_Launch
| Thus we have to backup the sp by two jsr's, which is 8.
movel 4:w,a0
movel a0@(0x114),a0 | tid = SysBase->ThisTask
movel a0@(0x36),a0 | usp isn't setup correctly, do it now from tc_SPReg
movel sp,a0@-
addl #8,a0@
movel a4,a0@-
movel a0,usp
jsr _sig_launch | sig_launch `(void *pc_ret, *ssp_ret)' (`' on usp)
| sig_launch() already corrects the usp to pop those two arguments
* update profiling information for the user
* addupc(pc, &u.u_prof, ticks)
movl a2,sp@- | scratch register
movl sp@(12),a2 | get &u.u_prof
movl sp@(8),d0 | get user pc
subl a2@(8),d0 | pc -= pr->pr_off
jlt Lauexit | less than 0, skip it
movl a2@(12),d1 | get pr->pr_scale
lsrl #1,d0 | pc /= 2
lsrl #1,d1 | scale /= 2
movel d1,sp@-
movel d0,sp@-
jsr ___mulsi3
addqw #8,sp
moveq #14,d1
lsrl d1,d0 | pc >>= 14
bclr #0,d0 | pc &= ~1
cmpl a2@(4),d0 | too big for buffer?
jge Lauexit | yes, screw it
addl a2@,d0 | no, add base
movel d0,a0
movew a0@,d0
addw sp@(18),d0 | add tick to current value
movew d0,a0@
movl sp@+,a2 | restore scratch reg
clrl sp@- | prepare 060 fpu null state frame
clrl sp@- | needs 2 additional longs on stack
clrl sp@-
frestore sp@+
| Note that after using frestore with a null state frame we have
| to set up the control register to restore rounding to truncation
| rather than round-to-nearest, as required by the ANSI C standard.
moveq #72,d0
addl d0,d0
fmovel d0,fpcr
movel a6,sp@-
movel a5,sp@-
movel 4:w,a6
btst #7,a6@(0x129) | is AFB_68060 set in SysBase->AttnFlags ?
lea Lreset_fpu,a5
jne L_skip
addqw #4,a5
jsr a6@(-30) | Supervisor()
movel sp@+,a5
movel sp@+,a6
| See the Enforcer manual for the original assembler code of the
| following code.
| This is the new bus error handler for use with Enforcer & GDB.
| There are two entry points, one for the 68020 and 68030, and one
| for the 68040.
| make sure next data is on a 4 byte boundary!
.align 2
.long 0 | The local copy
.long 0 | One long word
.long 0 | use count
.long 0 | store old pc
cmpl #4,sp@(20) | 68040
jeq TraceSkip | If AbsExecBase, OK
jra TraceProcess
cmpl #4,sp@(16)
jeq TraceSkip | If AbsExecBase, OK
| Check if the current Task is running under ixemul control and
| is being traced by ixemul.
movel a0,sp@- | Save this...
movel d0,sp@-
movel MyExecBase,a0 | Get ExecBase...
movel a0@(276:W),a0 | Get ThisTask
movel a0@(46:W),d0 | TrapData -> (struct user *)
movel d0,a0
jeq NoTrace | Not ixemul
movel a0@,d0 | get u_ixbase
cmpl _ixemulbase,d0 | == ixemulbase?
jne NoTrace | Nope, not an ixemul program
btst #4,a0@(P_FLAG_OFFSET+3) | Test STRC flag
beq NoTrace
btst #7,sp@(8:W) | Are we already single stepping?
jne NoTrace
bset #7,sp@(8:W) | Set trace bit...
lea _vector_old_pc,a0
tstl a0@ | is this variable already in use?
jne NoTrace
movel sp@(10:W),a0@ | store old pc
lea _vector_nop,a0
movel a0,sp@(10:W) | store new pc
movel sp@+,d0 | Restore...
movel sp@+,a0
movel OldVector,sp@- | Ready to return
| Call this function in Supervisor mode
btst #3,@(4)@(0x129) | is AFB_68040 set in SysBase->AttnFlags ??
lea _new_vector,a0
jeq got_vector1
lea _new_vector_040,a0
lea _vector_install_count,a1
tstl a1@
beq restore_exit
subql #1,a1@ | decrease use count
bne restore_exit
movec vbr,a1 | get Vector Base Register
cmpl a1@(8:W),a0 | sanity check
jne restore_exit
movel OldVector,a1@(8:W)
| Call this function in Supervisor mode
btst #3,@(4)@(0x129) | is AFB_68040 set in SysBase->AttnFlags ??
lea _new_vector,a0
jeq got_vector2
lea _new_vector_040,a0
addql #1,_vector_install_count | increase use count
movec vbr,a1 | get Vector Base Register
cmpl a1@(8:W),a0
jeq install_done | sanity check
movel 4:W,MyExecBase
movel a1@(8:W),OldVector
movel a0,a1@(8:W)